The TWW really is torture. I've made myself crazy during past TWWs and imagined that I really was experiencing pregnancy symptoms. This time around I'm trying not to obsess too much but it's tough. I spent too much time last night searching for the answer to how soon does your body know when it's knocked up. I couldn't find anything before implantation but I would think that there must be some kind of chemical or hormonal change that occurs when fertilization happens. How else would some women be feeling pregnancy symptoms from 1dpo?
I made it through CD27&28 with no sign of blood so everyday now is a bonus in this wacky cycle. It's a fine line between crazy and thinking positive. I'll feel foolish if I get my hopes up because of a few cramps, twinges, yawns or nausea causing odors only to be proven very wrong when that BFP is a no show.
I started to knit a baby blanket today but I can already tell that I'm not going to like it. It's only my third project (the first two being scarfs or is that scarves?) and my first attempt at following a basic pattern.
1026th Friday Blog Roundup
1 day ago