I talked to the bank and they were very cool about the whole thing. I think the woman that I spoke to felt a little bad for me because she could tell I was fighting back a flood of tears. They said that if the seal on the tank wasn't broken that they would just take back the vials and then send me new ones. If the seal was broken they wouldn't be able to restock the vials so I might be out the money but she was willing to plead my case to her boss and see if she could get him to eat the cost and just swap the vials. She was so nice and understanding.
Good news from the clinic was that the seal hadn't been broken yet. Phew! I called the nice lady at the bank back and she already shipped out the new donor vials so that I would have them on Monday and made all the arrangements to have the other vials shipped back to them. They waived the restocking fee and didn't make me pay the price increase difference that just went in to effect this week for the vials. The only thing I have to pay for is the shipping charge for the new vials.
I didn't have enough time to wait until I knew my status before making a decision. If I'm also positive I might have been able to insist on using that donor but I got the feeling from talking to the nurse that it was going to be a tough battle. If I turn out to be negative I'm not sure I would have risked exposure so in the end it was better to just make the switch. I'm a little sad because I was kind of attached to my first choice and felt really good about the decision.
1026th Friday Blog Roundup
2 days ago
Great news!
That's great. So nice when people act like human beings. The cryo shippers who handled our embies was great when things didn't go smoothly. It helped feeling that they cared.
I'm so glad the woman was nice and helped you. (But it's kind of sad that it's SURPRISING that someone was actually nice!) Keep blogging...I can't wait to see what good things will happen next!
I'm glad it all worked out! Whew!
Really happy to hear!
That is great news. I have all my fingers crossed for you that everything goes great from here on out.
I am looking forward to the next up date.
Good news, yay!
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