That is what the stick keeps telling me. Still no surge.
The additional $600 was for complete monitoring during the entire cycle. I didn't bother asking them to break it down so that I could pick just the blood test for detecting the surge. I figured that it was so late in the cycle that I might as well save my money and just wait it out. I have one more digital OPK and a handful of the line comparison ones that I'll use up but I don't expect to get a positive.
I'm so disappointed that I have to wait until next month.
3 hours ago
Maybe you just ovulate later. I just went back and checked from the cycle I got pregnant and I didn't until day 15. I'm pretty sure the month before I went in on Halloween and that would've been CD17.
Don't rely on those things - I thought I didn't ovulate the first time either. Sometimes it's the wrong stick, sometimes it's just not the best way to measure. I know I sound obsessed, but really, the cervix is the best way to go. Get cozy with a plastic speculum and take a look. Every day. You'll learn a lot more from that than any pee stain.
I'm sorry Meg. Waiting is the worst. I wouldn't bail on this cycle yet - you could ovulate late. If it were me, I'd keeping peeing on those sticks. Also are you charting your temps? Hang in there.
How frustrating! But I would hang in there a little longer!
I hope you'll hang in there another week or so. You may just be wound up from the excitement of this cycle after waiting for so long and stress can definitely affect ov.
I ovulate on cd19ish. So keep peeing! Pee girl, PEE!
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