O's 2 month check up was yesterday and sadly he also had to get his shots. Poor little thing :(
I nursed him during the ordeal and I'm glad I did (even if the nurse gave me a look like 'what the heck are you doing') because I think it helped him calm down faster. After each of the three shots he unlatched and turned so red he was almost purple and screamed so loud I think only dogs could hear it. I got him latched back on real quick each time and he settled down but his breathing had that heartbreaking little hitch to it. I felt horrible because he has no idea that those shots are good for him he just knows that I let someone stick sharp hurty needles in his leg. I don't think he's holding a grudge because he still wanted to cuddle and was giving me smiles once we got out of there. The little guy was pretty much crashed out for the rest of the day and it was odd to have so much downtime all together. Of course I wasted it by watching him sleep and goofing around online.
O has almost outgrown the newborn sizes so today I added 0-3 month sizes to his fashion rotation. That also meant that I had to do 3 loads of laundry. Holy smokes this kid has way too many clothes! You would think that would stop me from buying more but no it doesn't.
1024th Friday Blog Roundup
2 days ago
Oh, poor little O...sounds like he's a trooper though & no more worse for wear...
Awwww poor baby! I can only imagine how you felt. I have cried at vet appointments when my dog has whimpered!
No the clothes are way to cute to resist.
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