90ish degrees today and I'm not really loving it. I still have to drag the summer clothes out of storage and hope that they still fit. I'm not too hopeful. I miss snow and sweaters and cozy blankets.
5 days checked off in this TWW and I'm already getting anxious to just KNOW either way. I want to move on from the trying and finally get to the other side of the pee stick. I'm so ready and it's so frustrating to be spinning my wheels.
My birthday is this weekend and I'm planning on going to Maine for the day. There is a diner there that has a chocolate chip cookie dough pie that is soooo good I'm willing to drive 2 hours for it. My Mom is coming along too so it should be a nice day. I feel kind of bad for not telling her about the miscarriage. She doesn't know that I've been trying and she was out of town when it happened. It seemed kind of mean to tell her once she got back and I really didn't want to talk about it anyway. I would rather her not find that I didn't put my TTC plans on hold until I have good news to tell her. She's going to be very upset with me for not telling her when/if she ever finds out. I hope baby plans don't come up this weekend.
3 hours ago
I'm with you on the weather. I'll take cooler temps over hotter any day!
I didn't tell my mom right away about my m/c. I couldn't talk about it for awhile without getting upset so I waited until I was past that point. My plan was to tell her about the BFP on her birthday but I didn't make it that far by only a few days. She was good with the bad news at first except she wanted specifics. A few weeks later she mentioned how I waited to tell her and she wished I hadn't but that was the extent of it. I know my situation is different than yours since my mom knows I have been trying.
I find sometimes people surprise you and react better than what you think. When/if you do share any of your TTC news with your mom, I hope it goes really well and you get the support you need. :)
Hang in there during this 2WW! Hoping like heck for you!!!
Happy birthday! I don't have any sage words about the m/c, but I, too, hope that your mom shares your hopefulness on this journey.
Happy Birthday!!!
wouldn't it be great if we could test and know so early in the game, not having to wait those long two weeks...
HaPpY bIrThDaY !! :)
You know, I sometimes wonder where the line is drawn, you know? It's like I have to tell my loved ones OVER AND OVER AGAIN that no, I'm not pregnant. Because THEY want to know, and will get offended if I don't want to talk about it. Which, seriously, is so incredibly selfish on their part.
So I totally understand about how to tell/not tell about the miscarriage is not an easy subject. But my two cents? I think whoever you tell, whenever you tell them, should SUCK IT UP if they wish you had told them sooner. I'm just saying.
And enjoy that cookie dough! YUM!!!
Happy Birthday. Send some warmth my way, apparently mother nature has forgotten it's bring round these here parts.
Yay, cookie dough! That sent me to my freezer, where I conveniently keep a stash of frozen dough...
hey, I've been terrible at commenting but I wanted to say good luck on this tww; if only we could know sooner. You're almost there.
Hang in there!
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