RE appt: My RE's office is right next to a blood draw lab. Actually, it's sort of behind the lab so the waiting room is a small former office right next to the lab behind the lab check-in station. Why is this important? 1) Needles and blood make me kind of swoony and watching it happen to others was only a little less upsetting than having it happen to me. 2) Perfectly cute round preggo belly lady leading her toddler to certain death by blood test - at least that's what the kid made it sound like with all the screaming. Mom just rubbed her belly. 3) On the way out I had to side step someone puking in the trash can because apparently there is someone more allergic to needles than I am.
The actual appointment was so much better than that last time I was there. The second thyroid level was wonderfully normal. She wants to check it again in a few months just to be sure the first one was a fluke. The timing of the vaccine means that my 30 day wait after the shot will be just about when I'm due to ovulate in January. This means that I have to sit out January but will be good to go in February. I talked with my soon to be new best friend aka the nurse who will be performing the IUI's and she walked me through how the whole thing will work in regards to scheduling and timing. I had to sign some consent forms and she made sure to print out the single gal forms. No one made a fuss about the fact that I'm doing this on my own and I didn't feel judged or embarrassed one little bit. I call Nurse Sperminator on Feb. CD1 and then again when I get a postive on OPK. Easy Peasy, right? Let's hope so.
I decided that going with the cheaper midwife wasn't going to work for me because as much as I love a bargain I just wasn't comfortable that she had enough experience in dealing with the logistics of using sperm from a bank. Mic is an expensive fellow and it just wouldn't seem right to bring him through the drive through for a happy meal.
The shot:
My appt was supposed to be for 12/22 but when I called to confirm they told me that they meant to schedule me for 12/23. I was seriously annoyed because I was still thinking it was possible to avoid sitting out January. When I got to office the nurse told me that she couldn't just give me the shot because they have to test me first to see if I needed it.... yeah, my head almost exploded too. I stayed calm and reminded her that the tests had already been done and she should have the faxed results (as she requested). They couldn't find them so they had to call the RE and ask for them again before they would give me the shot. Good grief, it's not like I was asking for pain meds or something even remotely fun.
Now I just have to finalize my Mic choice. Remember that horrible reality show Who wants to Marry a Millionaire? I'm thinking of producing my own show to help narrow down the choices - Who wants to jerk off in this cup?
1026th Friday Blog Roundup
2 days ago
regarding the shot - how annoying! At least in the end you got it :-).
Exciting to hear you'll be starting soon ! February is just round the corner. Hope it will be a short journey.
I too find the whole Big Deal about the immunization to be remarkable. It's not like you get a buzz or anything. Seriously, folks!
Have you ever used OPKs? If not, then maybe consider practicing with them this month? It'll make the wait for Feb go by a little faster and, I'm telling you, it's like Murphy's Rule: a positive OPK is its most elusive when you're looking for it. So knowing what a positive looks like for you is a HUGE help when you're testing for reals.
Feb will be here before you know it!
Hi Meg
Thanks for your post and I agree. The support from other SMCs has been so important.
Just caught up on your story and can't believe how many setbacks you've had to endure. Hope that that gives you some well-deserved cred towards a really quick BFP and a perfect pregnancy this year!
After 3 BFNs I'm still hopeful that all's 'normal' and that when I start IUIs I'll only need one! Saying that, I was also diagnosed with thyroid problems recently (borderline hypothyroid) and have an irregular period so I guess time will tell. Think it's hugely unfair when SMCs have to struggle not only with not having a partner but the possibility of not having a child either. Ok whine over. :)
Best of luck!
Glad to hear your RE appt went well (sorry about the blood lab). My fertility center is also good about handling the single gal status. Only one nurse slipped up and mentioned my "husband" and then was mortified when she realized her mistake. (I was fine with it).
February sounds like a great month! I hope January flies by for you!
I can't wait for you to be able to start! It's been such a long journey for you so must be READY!! Looking forward to February. And I agree with Pepper: practice with some OPKs this month!
Meg, thanks so much for you comment with c-section tips. I am printing it out and bringing it with me to the hospital. I really appreciate your thoughts and support!!
You are so funny! Nurse Sperminator... That is HYSTERICAL. Sorry to hear about January, but you know what? I had to sit out Jan, too, so who knows, maybe Feb will be our lucky month! Good luck on choosing Mic. That's a tough choice!
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