The minute O was born I was already thinking about having another baby. I blame the intoxicating new baby bliss. How could I not want to do it all over again while I was sniffing new baby sweetness? Seriously though I never wanted to parent an only child. I always hoped to have at least two children. I can't imagine life without my siblings (and nephews) and I want that connection for my son. I want O to have a sibling so that he has someone to share eye rolls over their making them crazy mother. I also hope that having a full sibling will help if he struggles with the fact that I used a donor.
Way back when I went to my doctor for my 6 week post-partum visit I asked her how soon I could start trying for another baby. I was serious about not wasting any time. She told me to wait until O was 9 months old. Then when 9 months arrived I wasn't ready. I was still nursing and wasn't willing to stop in order to get my cycles moving again. I was still busy basking in the joy of having this one baby and I didn't want anything to distract me from those precious baby moments. Mr. O is now 17 months old and I'm 40. If I was a few years younger I would wait another year but time isn't on my side and it's now or never.
It's been on my mind for months and I finally called and made an appt to talk with my RE. My insurance won't cover family planning so everything will be out of pocket. I'm hoping to skip all the testing and just jump back into doing unmonitored IUIs like last time. I hope she agrees with my plan because I really don't want to pay for blood work. I've been checking in with the sperm bank and keeping tabs on the dwindling number of my donor's vials. I need to make a purchase very soon but I'm not sure how many I should get. If I start TTC soon I'll start with 2? 3? I just don't want to get stuck with a bunch of vials or worse not have enough. Ugh! So tough! So pricey!
I'm also not 100% sure that this is a good idea. I'm mostly sure but I do have some doubts. One kid is doable and adding another is going to seriously shake things up around here.
Old Digital Books
1 day ago
I am with you 2000 percent...on every level that you mentioned!! I will be doing my day three bloodwork either over the weekend (?) depending on what my RE says when I call tomorrow, or on Monday, and I'm all systems go for a September medicated iui. Like you, I'm still not sure this is a good idea. But I'm still so excited to start trying again. I'll be following your big jumps for sure!!! Good luck!
Yay! I really wanted Warren to have a sibling too.
I only had one vial of the donor remaining and there were no more Canadian compliant vials to be had. My clinic managed to find someone with one who would sell it to me... wouldn't you know it... it took THREE tries. I definitely would have prefered them to have the same donor but alas it didn't work out that way for us.
Based on the fact that it took me 2 cycles to get pregnant with Warren and 3 cycles with Grant given the option at this point I'd order 3...
I started following your blog back when I was in the planning/waiting phase - I'm so excited for you, trying for #2! I understand how scary and overwheming it is to think about having two, but you know it's going to be worth it!
So exciting for to be planning & trying for & second're so brave. As much as I would love to have a 2nd, financially I just can't
Looks like we've got baby #2 fever. I have no idea if I'm doing the right thing. I don't know how I will deal with an IVF and a toddler, but I know I've got to try.
I haven't made a lot of time to post comments lately but I've kept your post unread in my reader because I wanted to add my two cents. Let me just say two is hard but it is so worth it! I'm thrilled my little ones have each other. Good luck!! Looking forward to follow you on this and my other SMC blog friends heading in the same direction. :)
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