I want to connect with fellow SMCs/Choice Moms in the Boston/New England area - no matter where you are on the journey. Now that Mr. O is here I feel that it's even more important for me to make an effort to connect face to face with other SMCs because I want him to see other families like ours. I was all excited a few months ago about the possibility of Mikki Morrissette hosting a Choice Mom networking event in Boston this June but now it's looking like it might not happen because there isn't enough interest. Where is everyone hiding?
Those of you in other areas how do you connect with other SMCs? Any suggestions for organizing meet ups? Where do you hang out online to connect with others?
1024th Friday Blog Roundup
2 days ago
I found the Single Mother by Choice group is better about having local meetings than Choice Moms. Thought I like the Choice Moms discussion boards better.
NYC has a regularly scheduled meeting thru SMC and I would guess Boston has a group too!
I saw some very interesting posts here. You are very enthusiastic about blogging. I started blogging sometime ago. I look forward to a very nice blogging experience here. It was a pleasure to meet you. I’ll follow you now. Bye!
I signed up to go to the June 26th event! provided my baby doesn't decide to come early :)
Why did I not realize that we were both in the same area???? I'd love to meet up sometime especially seeing as I'm in Southern NH and work in the Merrimack Valley in Mass!!!!
Hi... Just found your blog today in a blog search. I'm a single PAP (prospective adoptive parent). I have been waiting 5 years. I have recently decided to look into TTC and IUI through donor sperm. I have my first appt with my ob/gyn to discuss it next week. I haven't made my new decision public on my blog yet.. it has been adoption focused for so long, and I'm just trying to look at other options now. I am in the NYC area, so I thought I'd reach out. Could use all the info I can get at this new stage/decision in my life!
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