My surgery is rescheduled for tomorrow morning. Early tomorrow morning.
The first time around it was really easy to pretend it wasn't happening and I was pretty calm and not worried. I didn't really feel like jumping out of bed and running out of there until they wheeled me in to pre-op. This time I'm much more anxious and nervous. I keep repeating baby, baby, baby, baby... to remind myself why I'm going to let someone poke around in my guts. I'll be so glad when I'm on the other side of this and at home making my family miserable with my cranky recovering self.
baby, baby, baby...
1024th Friday Blog Roundup
2 days ago
Yay! I'm SO glad for you! It'll be nice to complete this step and move forward.
You'll do great!
Baby baby baby...that helped me get through it too. Well, you should be out of surgery by now and resting comfortably (the drugs they give you are great). Please post when you can so we know how it went. I'm sure you did great! So glad you will have this behind you. I'm thinking tons of healing thoughts.
baby, baby, baby, baby
Good luck in you operation. Hope evrything will go well and that you'll make a quick recovery.
Thinking of you often, and hoping everything is going well!!
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