I've been lurking on message boards for years but never felt like I had anything to add to the conversation. I was there to learn and I pretty much stayed on the outskirts reading about everyone else and their journey to a family. I was in awe at how they just knew this was the path for them. I was still struggling and hoping that I would find myself with a partner. Everyone says that you will just know when you're ready to make the leap from just thinking to actually doing. Well, now I'm there and it feels good. The last few months I've been so much more comfortable with my decision to pursue single motherhood. It's become "The Plan" and not just the back-up plan. I never doubted that I could parent as a single mother it was the how I got to the parenting part that I had been dragging my feet about. The light bulb moment for me was hearing the results of my HSG. In those first few moments of panic I only heard that pregnancy wouldn't be possible and I just knew I would do whatever it took. The method didn't matter. The reasons I had for waiting no longer seemed important.
I've accepted that this is my path and I'm excited to see what is around the next bend in the road.
Old Digital Books
1 day ago
I know exactly how you feel. I don't get excited about dating anymore because - oddly enough - it distracts me from building a family. I'm glad you're excited about this path! The right attitude definitely helps a lot.
Exactly! I'm not against relationships but at the moment I'm not going to let another one or even the potential of one sidetrack me again.
I think there is an "aha!" moment for all of us when we finally decide we are ready to go ahead alone. I'm not opposed to meeting a man at some point but I finally realised that my opportunity to have children may run out before I ever meet him. I have the rest of my life to find that special guy but maybe 10 years to have kids.
Congratulations on starting the process. I hope you have success soon.
Good luck , I am sure you can do it!
I am here from NaComLeavo
I am so happy that you're in a good place and feel confident about your decision! I look forward to following your journey to parenthood.
I'm a new blogger, so please stop by and say hello if you get a chance. :)
Good Luck! I know it feels great to be a peace with a major decision! I hope that if I had not met Mr. Hubby that I would have the strength to go it alone. I knew I wanted kids before I knew I wanted a husband! NCLM
I love your attitude. I'm here from NCLM and I really like the way you think. Does that sound dumb? Probably. But it's true.
Dropping by for NaComLeavMo - Hi! Congratulations on making this decision. I wish you all the best!
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