I keep putting off posting anything because for the last few weeks all I had were complaints. The nausea has been miserable. This kid doesn't seem to like food, beverages or being hungry. I think I've lost 20 lbs (no worries - there was plenty of cushion to start with). I keep hoping that it will get better soon. Please get better soon.
The NT scan went well and my results came back in an acceptable range. My next big scan is scheduled for the beginning of Oct and I'm hoping that I'll find out if this little one is a boy or a girl. I'm hoping that it's a girl but of course I'll be just as thrilled if it's a boy.
Repeat: Was It Worth It
1 hour ago
So so sorry about the nausea Meg. I remember it well. For a long time I was afraid I'd never feel normal again. and then suddenly I did. It WILL go away. And then you won't even really remember what it was like. Hang in there...soon...soon...soon you will feel better. Congrats on the good nuchal result! Can't wait to find out the gender! I suspect girl...nausea = girl in my world!!
Oh, you sound miserable! I am so sorry to hear it. I hope your nausea goes away very very soon. I am hoping for a girl for you...but just to prepare yourself you might make yourself visualize a boy, too (I had quite a shocker!). Although really, it shouldn't be that shocking...50/50 as they say.
I know it feels miserable but I hope it will be over soon. Oatmeal was my friend.
I hear you! My first 4.5 months have been much harder on me than I anticipated. I'm finally feeling better, with my energy back. Even though I still feel nauseous once in a while it is sooo much better. And I'm sure you will feel better soon.
Yay for good NT results!
When I was pregnant with my daughter I loved eating prunes. Seriously. Now I can't even look at them.
Okay, it's October! :) Do you know which team you're on yet? :)
*bounce bounce bounce*
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